Learn how to take advantage of Nationwide’s home and auto insurance discount. By protecting all of your property with one company, you can save.
Choosing one company to service all of your insurance needs can also help simplify your life. Monthly bills can go to the same place, and you’ll never have to wonder which company to call when filing a claim.
Combine policies and save with multiple-policy discounts
Contact your local Nationwide agent, or call us at 1-877-On Your Side® (1-877-669-6877) to take advantage of the following multi-policy discounts:
Home and auto insurance discount
Save up to 20% when you insure your home (house, apartment or condominium) and car with Nationwide.
Auto, home and life insurance discount
Save up to 25% when you combine your auto, home and life insurance.
Multi-car insurance discount
Insure more than one vehicle with Nationwide and save up to 20%.
Boat package insurance discount
Save up to 50% with a boat insurance package.